
1st Blairgowrie Guides
Updated: 16:27 Friday 29 November
For all girls aged between 10-14 years old. Part of Girlguiding Blairgowrie and Rattray District. We help all girls know they can do anything
Meeting Time:
Meetings held weekly during term time, Tuesdays 7.30-9pm
Blairgowrie and District Trefoil Guild
Updated: 13:14 Monday 31 January
Meeting Time:
7.30 pm.
Details 002 MB-2023-05-16-20-00-11.jpg)
Blairgowrie and East Perthshire Tourist Association (BEPTA)
Updated: 09:50 Thursday 27 June
Promoting tourism in Blairgowrie and East Perthshire
Blairgowrie and Rattray Access Network (BRAN)
Updated: 10:18 Thursday 12 September
Maintaining The Path Network
Blairgowrie and Rattray Community Council
Updated: 14:58 Wednesday 30 October
We are a statutory organisation made up of volunteers and we act as a voice for the local area regarding issues of public concern.
Meeting Time:
Second Thursday of the month at 7pm
Blairgowrie and Rattray Development Trust
Updated: 16:16 Wednesday 19 March
Supporting the development of Blairgowrie & Rattray in accordance with the Community Action Plan.
Blairgowrie and Rattray Illuminations
Updated: 15:36 Tuesday 15 October
A team of volunteers who fund raise, maintain and erect the Christmas Lights each and every year
Blairgowrie Bowling Club
Updated: 11:03 Friday 29 November
Friendly bowling club, for all ages
Meeting Time:
See web site
Blairgowrie Brownies
Updated: 16:12 Wednesday 19 March
For all girls aged between 7-10 years old. Part of Girlguiding Blairgowrie and Rattray District. We help all girls know they can do anything
Meeting Time:
Meetings are held weekly during school terms. Monday 4.45-6.15pm, Tuesdays 5-6.30pm
Blairgowrie High School
Updated: 16:17 Wednesday 12 March
Meeting Time:
Take a look at our website for updates and info
Blairgowrie & Rattray Braemar Association
Updated: 11:44 Thursday 29 August
Meeting Time:
1st Saturday in September
Blairgowrie & Rattray Business Association (BARBA)
Updated: 15:02 Tuesday 11 March
Supporting the prosperity of local businesses, the town and community.
Meeting Time:
Normally 4th Thursday of the month
Blairgowrie & Rattray Highland Games
Updated: 10:10 Thursday 12 September
Traditional Highland Games
Meeting Time:
Sunday 8th September 2024
Blairgowrie Riding for the Disabled
Updated: 09:07 Wednesday 11 December
It's what you can do that counts!
Blairgowrie Wine Circle
Updated: 12:49 Thursday 27 January
Meeting Time:
Last Thursday of the Month
DetailsDrimmieburn & Meikleour Women's Rural Institute
Updated: 10:55 Sunday 17 May
Meeting Time:
Happy to Chat, Happy to Listen
Updated: 16:36 Tuesday 18 February
Mental Health and Suicide Awareness Support
Home Energy Advice Team
Updated: 18:47 Tuesday 4 January
Free , professional energy advice service to households , private landlords and tenants to help them reduce their energy bills and meet Scottish Government Energy Efficiency Targets.
DetailsLegion Scotland
Updated: 14:34 Monday 8 January
Meeting Time:
We are open: Monday - Thursday 7pm- 10-30pm Friday 4pm-11pm Saturday 11am- 12pm Sunday 12-30pm-7pm
Loon Braes Conservation Group
Updated: 15:46 Wednesday 26 February
Meeting Time:
Meets last Thursday of the Month 1-3pm
DetailsPerth and Kinross Credit Union
Updated: 10:56 Sunday 17 May
Meeting Time:
10.30am - 12.30pm Thursdays
Rattray and District Scottish Women's Institute
Updated: 10:22 Thursday 12 September
Meeting Time:
7/7.15pm - 3rd Monday of the month September - May
Rattray Brownies
Updated: 16:13 Wednesday 19 March
For all girls aged between 7-10 years old. Part of Girlguiding Blairgowrie and Rattray District. We help all girls know they can do anything
Meeting Time:
Weekly during term time, Mondays 6.30pm-7.45pm
Rattray Community Garden
Updated: 11:59 Thursday 12 December
Community garden for residents of Rattray and Blairgowrie to improve wellbeing and access to fresh vegetables - volunteers welcome!
Meeting Time:
Saturday and Wednesday 10am
Rattray Connect
Updated: 15:49 Tuesday 22 October
Meeting Time:
Monday - Thursday 9am - 9pm, Friday 9am - 6pm
Rotary Club of Blairgowrie
Updated: 11:41 Wednesday 11 December
Meeting Time:
We meet weekly on a Wednesday at 6.00 for 6.30pm
Royal Air Force Cadets
Updated: 16:10 Wednesday 26 February
Meeting Time:
Monday and Wednesday 7 - 9 pm
Strathmore Cycle Network
Updated: 18:54 Tuesday 4 January
The Network is here to link the towns of Alyth, Blairgowrie and Coupar Angus together for Active Travel purposes.
SWI Blairgowrie Group
Updated: 14:42 Thursday 12 September
Meeting Time:
1st Tuesday of the Month from 7.15pm