Blairgowrie Brownies

For all girls aged between 7-10 years old. Part of Girlguiding Blairgowrie and Rattray District. We help all girls know they can do anything

Updated: 10:21 Wednesday 12 June - information changes regularly so do check with the group direct.
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Blairgowrie Brownies

Main Contact: Lisa Hilditch

Meeting Time/Location: Meetings are held weekly during school terms. Monday 4.45-6.15pm, Tuesdays 5-6.30pm

Blairgowrie Brownies

1st and 5th Blairgowrie Brownies are very active groups offering girls aged 7-10 years fun, friendship and adventures.

Following the Girlguiding programme girls will take part in all kinds of activities, we help all girls know they can do anything.

One week you may be litter picking in your community the next sleeping in a shark tunnel!  Our activities a varied and many, they are always girl led.

To register go to Brownies (7-10) | Girlguiding

Girls may join at age 7 and remain until their 10th birthday.




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