About Discover Blairgowrie

Version 2: | Launched March 2020 |
Version 1: | Launched March 2015 |
Previously | Blaigowrie Hub website and Blairgowrie High Street website |
Updated: 17:59 Monday 8 November 2021.
The Discover Blairgowrie website was a coming together of Business and Community and forms the main communication element of the Blairgowrie & Rattray Proactive Communities project initiated by the Business Assocation in 2019 and which started in earnest at the end of January 2020.
In mid 2021 it was recognised that Proactive Communities (Pro Com) and Blairgowrie & rattray Development Trust (BRDT) complemented each other well and hence they amalgamated in September 2021 with BRDT providing the overarching structure and governance with Pro Com providing the operational and communications element for the town - a one point of contact.
The project's aims are to:
- promote the town and activities to locals and visitors
- organise meetings, discussion groups, focus groups and information flow to capture the needs of locals and businesses
- provide a focal point for local and surrounding information (this website)
- create a sustainable system to maintain progress and development via a combination of memberships and advertising
- support the people of the town as needed
To contact us please email admin@discoverblairgowrie.co.uk.