Town Volunteer List
Getting involved locally
The Town Volunteer List is one of the positive outcomes from the 2020 Coronavirus pandemic - we had over 150 local volunteers come forward to help out during the crisis many of whom wanted to continue to help in the community as things settled down again. Hence the Town Volunteer List.
Volunteers: 63 volunteers on the list.
Opportunities: 29 opportunities available.
Here are the one off opportunities (regular listed below).

Discover Blairgowrie Volunteer
We are looking for volunteers to help with the upkeep of the Discover Blairgowrie website from adding events to checking with groups and businesses to ensure their information is up to date and to help with our mailing lists.

Gardening Support for Rattray Primary School Nursery
Rattray Primary School Nursery is on the look out for support with their garden – can you anyone help?

Hub Magazine Delivery
The Hub Magazine is produced quarterly and is hand delivered to every household in the town by a team of 50 volunteers - they are always looking fro people to stand in or join the team.

Lend & Tend
Let’s save unloved gardens with garden-sharing. Gardening Boosts Our Health And Well-Being But What If You Can’t Garden Or Don’t Have One?

MCR Pathways - Mentoring
An Hour a Week, a Lifetime of Impact: Volunteer to Mentor a Young Person in your community with MCR Pathways

Our Heritage
Would you like to help preserve the history of our town and join a group who's aim is to create a heritage centre?

SCYD - Volunteering with young people
Our youth service provides a safe, non-judgemental space with access to support and opportunities to join in activities to develop skills and increase confidence.

Volunteers with an interest in Arts & Crafts - NEST Creative Spaces CIC
We are currently looking for additional volunteers with an interest in arts & crafts to help run our Social Enterprise.

Woodwork Assistant
Wisecraft is looking for a volunteer to help their clients engage in joinery and woodworking activities under the supervision of their staff and within a mental health setting.
Here are the regular opportunities we have listed.

Admin Support
Would you be willing to provide some administrative support for a group, club or organisation? Let us know and we can let you know when an opportunity arises.
BaRI Store
Help out in the Store stocking shelves, pricing items, serving, doing refill and tidying up after the store.
Boy's Brigade volunteers wanted
The 2nd Blairgowrie Boys Brigade are looking for volunteers to help on Friday evenings.

Committee Member
Do you have time to help out on a committee? Let us know and the sort of things you are interested in and we can let you know if there are any opportunities.

Computer/IT Help
Are you an IT/Computer whizz? Would you be willing to offer help to someone having trouble with their computer, internet, printer etc?

Are you able to help a local community group fund raise and lead a campaign or activity?

Fundraising assistance
Some groups occasionally need help with fund raising activities whether that be applying for funding or help with running fund raising activities such as a Tesco raffle, coffee mornings etc.

You are happy to help out with basic gardening such as lawn mowing, weeding, planting etc

Help run or manage a club/group
Would you like to help organise/run one of our 130+ clubs or groups? We can put you in touch with groups who are looking for people.

Help with an activity
Would you be willing to help out at an ad hoc event or activity as and when - no commitment, we'd just email out to those intersted when an opportunity arises and you reply if you can help.

Help with Arts/Craft Groups
Would you like to help out groups who provide arts and crafts for older or younger people?

Leaflet Delivery
Would you be able to help a group with a leaflet drop in the town? Just one-off - we have another option if you want to help with the Hub Mag Delivery.

Litter picking
Blair in Bloom organise the annual litter pick (sometimes more) - if you'd like to be involved then let us know.
Lunch Club Driver
Saturday Lunch Club Drivers collect lunches from Rattray Hall around 11am on Saturdays and deliver lunch to between 6 and 15 addresses and have a chat/catch up with the recipient.

Phone Support/Befriending
Would you like to offer phone support to someone who is lonely? We can put you in touch with someone looking for a chat.
Rattray Community Garden
Rattray Community Garden is always looking for volunteers to join in for some relaxed, sociable gardening on Wednesday and Saturday mornings (see Rattray Community Garden website for more info). No previous skill ,knowledge or experience required , just an interest in finding out more about gardens and gardening. No scheduled attendance expected, just come along when it suits you and take home some fresh, local produce.

Are you a whizz with numbers and could help an organisation, group or club with their accounts? Let us know and we can let you know of opportunities if they arise.
Veg Peeling - Saturday Lunch Club
Each week we get regular donations of fresh veg which our volunteers peel and return to us - this can be done at home or at Rattray Hall.

Youth Volunteer Opportunities
Are you a young person looking to volunteer? Whether it's part of a Duke of Edinburgh Award, to support the community or get experience, we can help.

Examples of how you can help:
- Practical help
- Committees
- Social Media support
- Hub Mag delivery
- Volunteer Driver
- Admin support
Town Volunteer List
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