Blairgowrie and Rattray in Bloom

Updated: 16:24 Friday 29 November - information changes regularly so do check with the group direct.
This free listing is made possible by groups and businesses who pay for their listings - this listing has yet to be claimed .

Main Contact: William Wilson

Blairgowrie and Rattray in Bloom

Blairgowrie & Rattray in Bloom has a dedicated committee of 7, helped by a variety of groups and 19 volunteers, who put in many hours during the year to ensure that the town looks as good as it possibly can. We are very lucky that we have a green area in the town centre called ‘The Wellmeadow’ and the beautiful River Ericht flowing through the town.  

Whilst the local council are responsible for some areas, Blair in Bloom provide and maintain the hanging baskets and flower tubs throughout Blairgowrie and Rattray. These are paid for by local businesses, fund raising and donations. 

Latest News

We have 2 large projects in the pipeline/underway at the moment:

Blair in Bloom

Coronation Corner - seeking funding of £40k

Re-siting and re-skinning of a new poly tunnel and structure at Golf Course Road - funding received from Community Environment Challenge Fund for which we are grateful.

Funding received so far with our grateful thanks -

£4,000 received from Tesco Bags for Help 

We are also very grateful to have received help with planting, from the Community Payback Team.

Objectives of Blair in Bloom:

  • To improve the quality of the environment and improve appearance of the town for the inhabitants and visitors to Blairgowrie & Rattray through horticultural activity, encouraging environmental responsibility and community engagement 
  • To support the local economy through enhancement of the amenities and facilities deemed relevant for the good of Blairgowrie & Rattray
  • To support community initiatives and social causes through fundraising and encourage educational initiatives concerning the local environment and other issues



Chair: Jean Smith
Secretary: Cathy Doe
Treasurer: Morag Reid
Member: William Wilson
Member: Pat Lumsden
Member: Jan McHugh
Member: Hazel Robertson
Member: Bruce Robertson


Committee Meeting held 6.1.25.

Committee Meeting .

Minutes Committe Meeting 8/7/24.

Other Documents

Blair in Bloom Volunteering Policy.

We are waiting for a copy of the constitution.


Blairgowrie & Rattray in Bloom AGM


AGM Minutes 22 Blair in Bloom Annual Report 2021 Blair in Bloom Minutes 1 August 2023 Blair in Bloom Minutes 1 March 2021 Blair in Bloom minutes 3 July 2023 Blair in Bloom Minutes 5 April 2021 Blair in Bloom minutes 5 June 2023 Blair in Bloom Volunteering Policy Committee Meeting Committee Meeting held 6.1.25

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