Latest Updates
Each new item of information will be added here so that you can follow progress.
As information gathers we will break it out into logical segments making it easier for you to locate the info you need.
22 April 2020 - Recently Self-Employed help and Job Retention Scheme Launched
30 March 20 - Self-Employed and Business Section updates
- Self-employed Income Support Scheme
- More info for businesses/employers
24 March 20 - PKC Rate Payers Grant announced
- PKC launched its Rate Payers Grant Scheme
- Employers section added
21 March 20 - Business Coronavirus Support from HMRC
- We begin to breakdown the advice from HMRC
20 March 20 - Chancellor announces unprecedented employer support package
- Support package for business and employees
19 March 20 - Business Coronavirus section created
- This page created
Next steps:
- Work with BRCC to set up information flow
We will archive information as it either expires or is over 2 weeks old.
Blairgowrie & Rattray Business Coronavirus Info and Update
HMRC/UK Gov BUsiness Support COVID-19 - from the Chancellor's statement 20 March 2020

Check the Scottish Government website for number of Scottish Cases.
This page will be populated with information for businesses as the Coronavirus pandemic progresses.
The information is being gathered in consultation with the authorities mainly from Perth & Kinross Council (PKC) and is collated with the following organisations and groups:
- Blairgowrie & Rattray Community Council
- Blairgowrie & Rattray Development Trust
- Blairgowrie & Rattray Business Association
- Proactive Communities Blairgowrie & Rattray
If you or your groups want to get involved please email