Help for Self Employed
Updated 21:08 Wednesday 13 May
Working together for everyone
If you are self-employed and are looking for help, advice or just someone to talk to, please get in touch with GrowBiz who are fully geared to help the self-employed.
Added 30 April:
- Newly Self Employed Hardship Fund - for those registered as self-employed in 2019/2020
- Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme (CBILS).
Added 22 April:
- Fiona Hyslop, Cabinet Secretary for Economy, Fair Work and Culture in the Scottish Government announces grant funding for newly self-employed suffering hardship - detals below this list.
- If you are self-employed and are in extreme financial difficulty and cannot wait for the SEISS (outlined below) please contact
- Local level support -
- National level -
Support for the Newly Self-Employed and Firms Suffering Hardship
Economy Secretary Fiona Hyslop yesterday confirmed that grant funding for the newly self-employed suffering hardship and SMEs in distress will become available in the coming days.
In these new measures the recently self-employed, who are excluded from the UK’s scheme but suffering hardship, will be able to receive £2,000 grants. For creative, tourism and hospitality companies of up to 50 employees not receiving business rates relief, there will be rapid access £3,000 hardship grants or larger grants up to £25,000 where it can be demonstrated support is needed.
The support and larger grants for pivotal SME enterprises will depend on the specific need of the enterprise and be developed by the relevant enterprise agency with wraparound business advice and support.
The £100 million fund to support the self-employed and SMEs will be broken into three separate funds as follows:
- £34 million Newly Self-Employed Hardship Fund, managed by Local Authorities, will be allocated to the newly self-employed facing hardship through £2,000 grants
- £20 million Creative, Tourism & Hospitality Enterprises Hardship Fund, managed by the Enterprise Agencies in partnership with Creative Scotland and VisitScotland for creative, tourism and hospitality companies not in receipt of business rates relief
- £45 million Pivotal Enterprise Resilience Fund, managed by the Enterprise Agencies for vulnerable SME firms who are vital to the local or national economic foundations of Scotland
From 30 March 2020
- Self Employment Income Support Scheme (SEISS) - HMRC will contact you, in simple terms you get up to 80% of your profit averaged over the past 1, 2 or 3 years up to £2,500 per month if overall profit < £50k,
- You can apply for Universal Credit - self-employed can now apply.
- Statutory Sick Pay - Self Employed can now claim SSP
- Self Assessment payments deferred - your payment due in July 2020 is deferred until January 2021
- VAT deferred - VAT due 20 March is now deferred until 30 June
- HMRC/UK Gov Business Support COVID-19 - from the Chancellor's statement 20 March 2020
Note we are adding information as things firm up and develop.
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