
Blairgowrie Accordion and Fiddle Club
Updated: 11:31 Wednesday 11 December
Meeting Time:
Second Tuesday of Each Month - 7.45pm
Blairgowrie Lyric Choir
Updated: 15:49 Wednesday 12 June
Meeting Time:
Tuesday evenings 7pm - 9pm
Blairgowrie Ukulele Group
Updated: 11:08 Wednesday 11 December
Meeting Time:
Weekly on a Monday 10am - 12.30pm. Jamming session weekly on a Wednesday 7pm -9pm, Monthly Jamming session last Wednesday of the month.
It's BRAW - Blairgowrie & Rattray Arts for Wellbeing
Updated: 15:59 Wednesday 15 May
Showcasing our local talent in art, craft, music and drama
Strathmore Schools Pipe Band
Updated: 22:40 Wednesday 19 June
A community-driven initiative dedicated to providing free bagpipe and pipe band drumming lessons to children aged 10 to 18 across 10 primary and secondary schools.
The Walled Garden and Wisecraft (PKAVS)
Updated: 14:38 Wednesday 29 May
A service facilitating meaningful and therapeutic activities to help improve mental health and wellbeing.
Meeting Time:
Monday - Thursday 9.30am-12pm and 1pm-3.30pm