24th March 2025 for 8 days.
In order to permit BT Ducting works on the above section of road a temporary traffic regulation order has been prepared. It is to be effective from the 24th March 2025 for a period of eight days.
The work will be done in phases.
The order will temporarily prohibit all vehicles from driving, parking and loading on both sides of the following length of carriageways.
1.Old Mill Road, Rattray from its junction with Ashgrove Road (319085, 744812) to its junction with private access to property known as Number 1, Old Mill Road (319046, 744891), a distance of 90 metres or thereby.
2.Ashgrove Road, Rattray from its junction with Old Mill Road (319089, 744812) to its junction with private access to property known as Lowood (318679, 744768), a distance of 438.39 metres or thereby.
Pedestrian & emergency vehicular access to premises will be maintained.
The alternative route for vehicles is via – HAUGH ROAD - A93 - A926 KIRKTON ROAD - OLD MILL ROAD