Blairgowrie Wellmeadow Walkathon 5/6 August 2023
Happy to Chat, Happy to Listen - #JordansChallenge
In memory of Jordan Hart 2003 - 2020
Updated: 22:47 Thursday 19 October 2023.

Jordan Hart

Gav, Su and Beth Hart
Photo Courtesy of the Blairgowrie Advertiser
Wellmeadow Walkathon 5/6 August 2023
Firstly, we would like to say a massive thank you for registering your group or business to take part in the Wellmeadow Walkathon 2023.
The BRDT team are proud to continue our support of the Hart family in their drive to help reduce stigma and to raise funds for a mental health hub in Blairgowrie.
With your support, we have managed to raise a over £5,500 so far.
This total is still rising and as an organisation, we thank you for all your fundraising efforts. Below is a special thank you to you and your group from Susan Hart.
Background - Reducing the Stigma of Mental Health
The aim of the first walkathon was to rasie money to install a few benches around the town and call them 'Happy to Chat, Happy to Listen' benches - the idea being that if you saw someone sitting on one on their own, you could go and sit with them and encourage them to talk or just listen to them to help them get something of their chest. We want people to be happy to share their troubles with complete strangers in a confidential non-judgemental way to help reduce the suicide rate.
The idea came from Su, Gavin and Beth Hart after Jordan, Su and Gav's son and Beth's brother died by Suicide in November 2020, 4 days before his 17th birthday. It is such a powerful heartbreaking story and the courage and strength Su, Gavin and Beth have shown is astonishing and we are privilaged to be a part of their story.