Rattray Bowling Club

Phone: 01250 872919

Updated: 10:36 Monday 2 October - information changes regularly so do check with the group direct.
This free listing is made possible by groups and businesses who pay for their listings - this listing has yet to be claimed .

Main Contact: Graeme Lawrence - Social Convener


Meeting Time/Location: See website or Facebook for meeting info

Rattray Bowling Club

Message from the President _ 

President Mike Offen and the committee send best wishes to all our members and hope that everyone is keeping safe in these trying times.
The Coronavirus has devastated our bowling season and prevented winter activities and social events from taking place in the clubhouse.
With the stricter Government guidelines restricting the sale and times that alcohol can be served the committee took the decision to close the club as it was not viable to work under these strict conditions. We hope it won't be too long until we are open again.

Welcome to Rattray Bowling Club.
Address:Middle Road, Rattray, Blairgowrie.
Tel:01250 872298

During the bowling season we have gents’, ladies and mixed matches against other clubs, competitions, non-competitive bowling and social events. In the winter months we have carpet bowls, dominoes, pool, card evenings and social events available. Everyone is encouraged to participate in any or all of these events.

We offer free coaching by qualified coaches and encourage bowlers of all ages and physical ability to come along and meet us to try the sport of lawn bowls. This is a fantastic opportunity for families to play a sport together.

Rattray Bowling Club strives to be an integral part of the community and encourages the hire of our facilities which include a large, well equipped kitchen, bar facilities, a dance/social area and a separate quieter lounge.

Come along and meet us and take advantage of our reduced membership for first and second year members. Visit our website for further details of our subscriptions and what we have to offer.



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