PKAVS Services for Minority Communities
Phone: 01738 567076

Updated: 14:48 Monday 8 January - information changes regularly so do check with the group direct.
This free listing is made possible by groups and businesses who pay for their listings - this listing has yet to be claimed .

Main Contact: Marlena Nowaczyk

PKAVS Services for Minority Communities - Drop-in in Blairgowrie 

 What is it? Weekly one-to-one sessions for minority ethnic community members. Information and advice on finance, employment, housing, social participation, volunteering and others. 

 When & Where? 

 Tuesdays 2:00 - 4:30pm at SCYD, 21 Leslie Street, Blairgowrie PH10 6AH 

 How do I book? 

To book an appointment please call 01738 567076, 07785620192 or email 

PKAVS Services for Minority Communities (MEAD) Website  

We give personalised support to people from minority communities, particularly Central European, South Asian and Chinese. Our service works in partnership with the local authority and other organisations as the lead group supporting the growing minority communities in Perth & Kinross. 

It enables people to access local services and play an active role in their communities. 

 We provide: 

Multi-lingual information and advice 

Referral support for employment, education, finance and health 

Opportunities to improve employment prospects through volunteering opportunities and support 

Surgeries in rural areas 

English classes, work clubs, cultural activities and much more…

Listen to an interview with Marlena about the support provided:

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