Perth and Kinross Healthy Communities Collaborative

Phone: 07896280852

Updated: 14:56 Wednesday 29 May - information changes regularly so do check with the group direct.
This listing is managed by: and is a free listing made possible by groups and businesses who pay for their listings .

Main Contact: Audra Webster

Meeting Time/Location: Mondays - Exercise Class - 2pm - 3pm, ARC Jessie Street - £2.50, All welcome

Perth and Kinross Healthy Communities Collaborative

Healthy Communities is a community led health iniatitve focusing on older people. 

We work with local people to identify and address any issues they see as impacting on their overall health and wellbeing, this can be anything from socialising opportunities to gentle exercise classes. 

The project aims to give older people a platform to raise local concerns and work collaboratively with professionals from various disciplines to address those concerns. 

We work to three objectives to improve health and wellbeing as well as the quality of life for older people: Social Connectedness Physical Activity and Active Communities Mental Health and Wellbeing

Listen to our interview with HeartlandFM about this year's events.


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