Updated: 14:59 Tuesday 11 March - information changes regularly so do check with the group direct.
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Main Contact: Terry Comiskey

Meeting Time/Location: Tuesday at 6.30pm, Thursday at 6.30pm


Over recent years we have been unfortunate to see so many people struggling with their mental health and whilst there is help out there sometimes it may feel out of reach.
We all know how difficult it can be for people to reach out and accept help especially men so a few boys and I are looking to do something about that and try and offer something to men in our local area. We've been doing talking behind the scenes but obviously Covid is restricting any progress at the moment. Our plan is to offer a weekly meeting point where we first head out for a wee walk and then back to the gym at proctors for a coffee and a place where men can offload any problems. Then we would like to organise little days out hillwalking etc to give some men who may not have opportunities to get out much something to look forward to. Whilst we understand there is help out there and this is all new to us we believe getting together with men who have been through and continue to go through their own issues can be a massive help to anyone in need. We totally think Blair and the local area would benefit from a little group like this.
As I said Covids held us back and after todays announcement it means the gym won't be open so any proper get togethers are off limits at the moment but what we plan to do is get a Facebook page up and have a place where men can message (or woman can message if their worried about family members). We are not professionals but sometimes just listening can have massive benefits.
The world can be a very lonely place for some and especially if they are struggling for whatever reasons whether it be mental health, addictions or anything else so let's give this a go and see if we can offer anything to anyone in need give them a little something to look forward to especially when all these restrictions are adding to the issues.
Myself, Sean Henvey, Brendan Comiskey John Beattie and John Nicholl have decided to call our group MANTALK.  Men who have a wealth of experience between us, men who have made mistakes in life but men who would like to use that experience and mistakes to help others.
M meet ups
A address your problems
N identify your needs 
T talk 
A action
L learn about yourself
K know your triggers


As of today (Tuesday 16th March 2021) adults can take part in outdoor non-contact sport and organised group exercise in groups of up to 15 people which means we can get the ball rolling and get a walk organised. You don't have to be struggling to get involved, it could be as simple as just needing a reason to get out the house, maybe lockdowns getting too much, your stuck in a rut or your just needing motivation to get out for a walk.
We are going to organise our first walk for Tuesday night at 6.30pm. Meeting point will be at the Wellmeadow boxing gym. Anyone who's interested or has any questions then please send us a message.



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