Friends Connect
Phone: 07779 466254
Updated: 15:32 Wednesday 19 March - information changes regularly so do check with the group direct.
This free listing is made possible by groups and businesses who pay for their listings - this listing has yet to be claimed
Main Contact: Hamish & Bonnie MacGregor
Meeting Time/Location: One Sunday a Month at 3pm

Lifeplus Friends Connect is a group that is
led by the Senior and Associate Ministers of
Lifeplus Church, Hamish and Bonnie
MacGregor. Both Hamish and Bonnie have
had over 20 years experience in working
with adults with learning disabilities.
For over 4 years now the Lifeplus Friends
Connect group have enjoyed a variety of
activities such as visiting places in Tayside
and Fife as well as local places.
In 2018 Lifeplus Church decided to contact
Prospects Scotland (an organization
specifically aimed at meeting the spiritual
needs of Adults living with LD) with the view
of offering a Christian Church Service
specifically designed for adults living with
During this time we have visited other
churches where these types of services
take place both in Dunfermline and Kinross
to experience an LD designated church
service that meets their required needs.
The hour consists of Welcome & friends
catch up, songs, stories from the bible that
are acted out, craft and a light meal and costs £3.