Civic Trust - Blairgowrie & Rattray

Updated: 10:54 Sunday 17 May - information changes regularly so do check with the group direct.
This free listing is made possible by groups and businesses who pay for their listings - this listing has yet to be claimed .

Main Contact: Jacki McCorkindale (Secretary)

Meeting Time/Location: 7.30 pm, last Wednesday of month



Wednesday 26th October - Living and Working in Antartica. . Speaker Charlie Robb

Wednesday 30th November - Blairgowrie Rocks. Speaker Mrs C Pudsey & Mr P Pudsey


Wednesday 25th January - Travels in Asia Speaker Mrs Tess Monteith

Wednesday 22nd February - Great Experiences in the Outdoors Speaker Nick Cole

Wednesday 7th March - Spring Lunch (Royal Hotel) Speaker - Ashley Mustard, SCYD Project Worked on Intergenerational Development

Wednesday 29th March - The Forfar Botanist & Scottish Native Plants Mr Ian Christie

Wednesday 26th April - AGM followed by Royalists and Covenanters - The Scottish Revolution & Civil Wars - 1638 to 1651 Speaker Murdo Fraser MSP

All our meetings are open to the public.

Talks take place on Wednesday evenings in the Adult Resource Centre, Jessie Street, Blairgowrie, at 7.30pm (other than Spring Lunch)


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