Blairgowrie Reflexology

Health and wellbeing, Reflexology, Maternity Reflexology, Indian Head Massage and Facial Acupressure.
Tel: 07949 204 932

Updated: 14:39 Wednesday 10 July 2024.
This listing is managed by: and is a paid for listing - thank you for your support Susan Coutts.


18 Poplar Avenue, Blairgowrie, PH10 6SR

  • Susan Coutts
    Owner/Manager: Susan Coutts
  • Opening Times:

    Monday-Friday 7pm-9pm Saturday and Sunday 9am-5pm

Reflexology is a non- intrusive Complementary Therapy.

Applying gentle massage to feet, lower limbs and hands can aid relaxation and improve wellbeing. 

Blairgowrie Reflexology also provides an Ayurvedic approach to Indian Head Massage treatments that encompasses a balance of body, mind and spirit.

Membership of the Association of Reflexologists (AoR) and Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC) ensures UK wide standards, code of Conduct, Ethics and Performance are met.

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