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Rattray Community Garden - Fundraising needs

While a significant amount of work has already been carried out to get us to this point, more needs to be done in order to allow the community to benefit fully from the garden’s potential. The two main projects are:

The Bothy

The Bothy

Conversion of the single-story building to create a general purpose room, toilets and a small kitchen for volunteers and visitors to the garden, and for a new storage shed.

The Gig House

The Gig House

Demolition of a derelict building on the site which cannot be saved or made safe.

The combined estimated costs for both these projects are expected to be around £60,000 (updated Dec 2023).

We also need to generate regular income to cover the overheads of running the garden.

Regular fundraising will therefore be a continuous process for the foreseeable future.

To find out more about Rattray Community Garden, including how you can get involved in supporting the work we are doing or how you can benefit from the new facilities, email

Alternatively, find us on Facebook by searching for ‘Rattray Community Garden’.