New TED talk from Al Gore
Date: Saturday 13 November

Here are details of a new TED talk that's worth watching. If the link doesn't work, let us know and we'll send you one that does.
We must change. Business-as-usual focused only on financial profit is changing our climate, destroying our planet, and deepening inequality worldwide.
The good news is that the tools to do it are in our hands today. But we must act. Now.
That’s the unmistakable message of former Vice President Al Gore's new TED Talk “How to Make Radical Climate Action the New Normal.”
WATCH THE TED TALK A part of the TED Countdown event in October, Vice President Gore’s captivating presentation breaks down:
- How many recent climate impacts show that the climate crisis is rapidly worsening.
- How today’s global economy fails our planet and our people, failing to account for the real costs of carbon pollution and fueling skyrocketing inequality that threatens democracy.
- How we can solve this crisis with the tools already at hand, and more.
Without a doubt, our work is cut out for us in facing these challenges, Kay. But the movement for climate justice, as Vice President Gore describes, is “the biggest emergent social movement in all of history. We can do this.”
Thank you for all that you do,
-Your friends at Climate Reality
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