16-22 May - The Big Plastic Count
Date: Wednesday 13 April

Did you know that right now, nobody really knows how much plastic we’re throwing away or what happens to it?
The Big Plastic Count will uncover the truth about how much household plastic we throwaway, and how much is really recycled. The nation will come together to count their plastic waste for one week in May and the new evidence will be crucial to convince the government, big brands and supermarkets to finally take ambitious action on plastic packaging.
How can I get involved? From May 16th-22nd, record all of the plastic packaging you throw away using the tally sheet provided when you sign up! At the end of the week, you’ll be shown your own plastic footprint, revealing what really happens to it once it leaves your home, and evidence of the true scale of the UK's plastic problem.
The Big Plastic Count will also share tips on how you might be able to reduce plastic in day-to-day life.
It's easy to feel overwhelmed by the plastic crisis... The Big Plastic Count is an amazing opportunity to actually DO something about it!
We can’t wait to get counting and be part of creating the change we need to see - join us! Sign up now at https://act.gp/3DaBtRa
Did you know that right now, nobody really knows how much plastic we’re throwing away or what happens to it?
The Big Plastic Count will uncover the truth about how much household plastic we throwaway, and how much is really recycled. The nation will come together to count their plastic waste for one week in May and the new evidence will be crucial to convince the government, big brands and supermarkets to finally take ambitious action on plastic packaging.
How can I get involved? From May 16th-22nd, record all of the plastic packaging you throw away using the tally sheet provided when you sign up! At the end of the week, you’ll be shown your own plastic footprint, revealing what really happens to it once it leaves your home, and evidence of the true scale of the UK's plastic problem.
The Big Plastic Count will also share tips on how you might be able to reduce plastic in day-to-day life.
It's easy to feel overwhelmed by the plastic crisis... The Big Plastic Count is an amazing opportunity to actually DO something about it!
We can’t wait to get counting and be part of creating the change we need to see - join us! Sign up now at https://act.gp/3DaBtRa
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