Red Squirrel

Info -  The Red Squirrel is the UK’s only native species of squirrel. Unfortunately, since the introduction of their non-native cousins (the Grey Squirrel) in the 1800's, their numbers have been in decline. The main cause being “squirrel pox” which is carried by Greys and fatal in Reds. Like many species of Squirrel, Reds make their nests high up in the tree canopy out of twigs and leaves. These are called “Dreys” and they will typically have more than one.

When and where to see -  All year round in woodlands and gardens.

Fact -  Unlike other rodents and small animals, Red Squirrels do not hibernate. Their activity does decrease as they try to keep themselves warm; however they will continue to feed on pine seeds and their precious food stores throughout the winter months.

Red Squirrel
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