
Info -  Nocturnal insectivores, the hedgehog will most likely be seen and heard at night, snuffling in the leaves and undergrowth. Their diet consists mainly of beetles, worms, caterpillars and other invertebrates. Though they have been known to occasionally feast upon eggs, carrion and even the young of certain animals. Their quills are made of keratin and completely hollow inside.  When they feel threatened, these quills act as a defence mechanism. The hedgehog will curl up into a very tight ball, concealing their vulnerable furry underside and will use their spikey exterior to fend off any predators.

When and where to see -  Woodlands, gardens, parks and farmland in May - September. October - April they will be in hibernation.

Fact - Hedgehogs are solitary animals and will only come together to mate. The females will then raise their young independently until they are around 6 weeks old.

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