Grey Heron

Info -  A tall presence usually seen lurking around ponds and wetlands, the Heron patiently waits for its prey to pass by its submerged legs before going in for the kill. Feeding mostly upon small fish, they also enjoy eating frogs, newts and will occasionally go the young of other birds like ducks. Herons can also be seen feeding in fields as they will prey upon various species of rodent.  Garden ponds with fish and frogs are seen as “fast food” for the lazier Herons who are after a quick and convenient dinner. A fantastic sight to be seen in the skies, they are easy to identify with their slow-flapping wings, long beak and legs which are held out behind them as they fly.

Where and when to see them -  All year round in wetlands, farmland, woodland and gardens (if you have a pond!)

Fact -  Herons nest in colonies called “Heronries” which will usually be formed in the tops of trees.

Grey Heron
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