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We Need your views

Date: Wednesday 17 June

We Need your views

The Blairgowrie & Rattray Community Action Plan Review is under way!

Have you completed the CAP Review Survey yet? It consists of only 7 questions, and takes just minutes to complete, yet by getting involved you could influence what happens in your community both now and in the future.

If you live in Blairgowrie or Rattray, whatever your age, whether you are at school, a student, work in or outwith the town, are seeking employment, volunteer with a local community group or are retired, your views really do matter.

In fact, the broader the range of responses that are received, the better. What’s important is that your views are received – because if you don’t share what you think, how can anything ever change?

As everyone experiences the town in different ways, please encourage everyone in your household to complete the survey.

Click the link and have your say,

Closing date 21/06/21.

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