Rooted in Rattray & Blairgowrie
Date: Saturday 23 November

Wanted: Babies born in 2024!
for our project 'Rooted in Rattray & Blairgowrie - A fruit tree planted for each baby born in the town'.
Our inspiration: 'One birth, one tree' project in our twin town, BrebiƩres, France
In BrebiƩres a tree is planted in a local park for each baby born in the town. Here in Blairgowrie & Rattray, BRCC would like to plant a range of site-appropriate food-bearing trees for babies born in 2024. Doing so helps with many issues affecting our town: resilience, engagement, biodiversity, food growing, cost savings, climate change, social benefits, air quality, local wildlife. You supply the baby - we supply the tree!
While welcoming our newest residents, the planting of food-bearing trees will result in free food for the whole community!
Interested in a tree commemorating the birth of your baby? Planting starts soon!! Contact us now:
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