Rattray Community Garden - Bothy Progress
Date: Thursday 28 November

What is new at the community garden?
We are currently working on a substantial upgrade of an old Victorian building (above) to turn it into a garden bothy where we can get some shelter from the elements and enjoy a tea or coffee(other drinks may be available). Eventually the double doors will be replaced by large glass windows and the other window will be replaced with a new one -with glass. The door will also get replaced . This is due to happen in January. We have already improved the comfort level by fitting a toilet although the door maybe needs an upgrade. We will be fitting some kitchen units and a sink . The electrics are now connected and we can now switch the lights on and we will be looking for some low cost electric heating. We will be able to use the building for discussions on planning and developing the garden, selecting which seeds to plant and where to plant them .
On the other side of the courtyard there is an old building which we have permission to demolish, this should be happening soon.
We are still keeping busy preparing for next season, clearing beds, building a pond, preserving outdoor furniture. We should be getting some more compost delivered soon . This will need moving , a great opportunity to keep warm in the winter, any new volunteers will always be welcomed!