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Nominate Your Citizen and Young Person of the Year 2020

Date: Tuesday 17 March

Nominate Your Citizen and Young Person of the Year 2020

Do you know someone who has made and is making significant contributions to our community or to individuals and groups within it? If so now is your chance to recognise their contribution by nominating them for consideration by the public to be voted the Citizen of the Year or Young Person of the Year.

The Blairgowrie & Rattray Community Council is now seeking nominations for both the above awards. Winners will receive public appreciation in the press and at the June Community market where they will each be presented with certificates. The Citizen of the Year will receive the prestigious Blairgowrie Advertiser cup engraved with their name and the Young Person winner will be awarded their own engraved cup.

Both award winners will officiate at a number of public events, usually to declare them open or perhaps just to be present as guests.

Nomination forms are available at the Library, Post Office, Mitchell’s Newsagents, Town Hall, One Voice Office, and Community Connect. An electronic copy of the nomination form can be downloaded for printing at the bottom of this article.

Nominations are open from Tuesday 17th March and close on Tuesday 14th April. Anyone wishing to nominate someone should provide a good amount of detail on the form as to why that nominee deserves the award. The Citizen of the Year nominations apply to people over 21 years, the Young Person up to 21 years. Nominated people should be local residents, living within the Community Council boundary, and those who have benefitted from their good works should also reside within the town or close by.

Completed nomination forms should be delivered to the Library, where there is a special box for posting them.

Details of the nominees will be made public in May. The public will then decide the winner of each category via voting forms delivered to the library. Forms will be available in the same locations as the nomination forms. Voting will open on Tuesday May 5th and close on Tuesday 2nd June. The presentation to the winners will take place at the Community Market on Saturday 26th June.

If you know of someone who has gone that extra mile for someone or some group/s within the community please make the effort and nominate them for one of the awards.

Select one option below to make your nomination

Download and print the paper Nomination Form.

Complete and submit the online Nomination Form

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