Darren Kane - BRDT Finance
Date: Monday 11 September

Meet the Team – Darren Kane
BRDT’s finance officer Darren Kane is originally from Perth. Now based in Wormit in Fife, Darren has strong links to the local community through his involvement in the Strathmore Centre for Youth Development (SCYD) and the town’s wrestling scene. A qualified accountant with several years of experience working for a number of companies, Darren runs his own business, Figure Four Accounting, and has a number of clients in a range of sectors.
What is it that you love or enjoy most about living or working in Blairgowrie and Rattray?
Blairgowrie is a special place for me as one of my favourite wrestling promotions is based here, and I like the sense of community that is not found in bigger towns.
What’s your professional background?
Working in an unnamed call centre in 2008, I spent a few weeks on the phones before someone in the finance team found out I was good with spreadsheets. I was asked to go and help out there for a few weeks with the work backlog, and simply never left. I worked for a few different companies between 2009 and 2019 in various accounting roles, completed my accounting qualification, and now work for myself under the company Figure Four Accounting.
What motivates you?
Knowing that the work I do brings a balanced set of books and how I can then transform those into good, sturdy and informative management reports for those that need them. Also, I work to attend as many wrestling shows as possible.
Who is your hero and why?
I actually have a few. The wrestler Ric Flair - he's the greatest ever and always given 110%, he lived and breathed his career. My business is named after his finishing move, the figure four leg lock. Another wrestler, Shawn Michaels, who’s a phenomenal athlete, entertaining all the time, and a great guy outside the ring - he is and has been for years someone I feel more people should look up too. And, Prince Phillip - the man had respect for his country, his wife (and her role), and the outdoors; he was key to ensuring young people had more than just classroom education.
How did you first get involved with BRDT?
BRDT’s HR representative contacted me about looking for someone new to look after their accounts - I had met her previously through another organisation.
What experience and qualities do you feel you bring to BRDT?
Humour, intelligence, a willingness to streamline and make processes better for all concerned.
What are your areas of interest and particular roles and responsibilities as a member of the BRDT team?
I ensure that all accounting entries are correct in the ledgers, and then draw up the management reports required.
Are you involved in any other community groups and organisations in the area?
The Strathmore Centre for Youth Development.
What do you do for fun or in your spare time (if you have any!)?
Amazingly yes! We have three dogs and two cats who I enjoy playing with and walking (the dogs, not the cats). And as you can tell from above, any other spare time is dedicated to watching and attending wrestling.
What are your hopes and aspirations for Blairgowrie and Rattray as a town and as a community?
To be recognised as one of the best communities in Scotland, and have lots of activities on offer and available so that everyone has something that they can go to and feel a part of.
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