Closing date set for survey on the future of Blairgowrie and Rattray
Date: Wednesday 30 October
News Release
October 2024
Closing date set for survey on the future of Blairgowrie and Rattray
A survey for local residents in Blairgowrie and Rattray to have their say on what the future of Perthshire’s largest town could look like is set to close at midnight on Friday, 8 November.
Responses to the survey, which is available in a number of shops and businesses in the town as well as online, will form the basis for a ‘Local Place Plan’ for the east Perthshire town that is currently being compiled by Blairgowrie and Rattray Development Trust (BRDT).
More than 800 comments and ideas have been put forward already, and those behind the initiative are keen for as many people as possible to make their voices heard.
Lesley McDonald, operations officer at BRDT, urged people to spend a few minutes of their time completing the survey.
She said: “The idea behind local place plans is that local communities work together to contribute ideas and proposals for the development of land in their area, potentially helping to define its future use and create places that support inclusive and sustainable economic growth, address climate change and enhance the quality of life for local people.
“This sort of project has not been done in Blairgowrie and Rattray before, so even if you have contributed to other consultations previously, such as the community action plan for example, it is still important that you submit your views.
“All the responses we receive by midnight on Friday, 8 November, will be included in the initial local place plan that we will register with Perth and Kinross Council, ensuring that the council and the Scottish Government know that we have these places in our town, that we have ideas on how best to use them, and that we are keen to work with them on attracting inward investment to the town to support its development in a sustainable way.”
Once a local place plan has been completed and registered with the local planning authority, it may be taken into consideration, alongside other elements, in the preparation of the relevant local development plan, the third iteration of which is set to be worked on in Perth and Kinross.
Lesley continued: “There has been a good response to the local place plan for Blairgowrie and Rattray so far, with more than 800 comments and ideas having already been put forward by people from lots of different age groups and backgrounds.
“As well as the survey, six themed maps showing what amenities and facilities already exist in the town have been on display in various locations such as Blairgowrie Library, the BaRI Building, the Strathmore Centre for Youth Development (SCYD), the local Climate Café, Blairgowrie and Rattray Highland Games and the Farmers’ and Producers’ market, giving people a chance to highlight what they feel is needed locally and which spaces they believe could be used differently or more effectively.
“We have spoken to hundreds of people about the local place plan and there is still time to get involved and have your say on what you want in the town.
“No one knows our town as well as the people who live and work here and this project provides us all with an opportunity to really look at Blairgowrie and Rattray as a place - its buildings, the land around us – as well as what we want to do with that and what is possible.”
For more details, or to complete the survey online, see or email
For further information or media enquiries, please contact Clare McMicking on telephone 07514 343 042 or email